Browning & Miroku Age Lookup

If you own a Browning or Miroku shotgun made after 1975, determining its age is as easy as decoding its serial number. The serial number…

If you own a Browning or Miroku shotgun made after 1975, determining its age is as easy as decoding its serial number. The serial number typically contains two letters, which are used to date the shotgun accurately. Our Browning and Miroku Age Lookup tool can help you discover the manufacturing date of your shotgun in no time.

Our date lookup tool is compatible with all types of Browning and Miroku shotguns, whether they’re over-and-under, pump-action, or semi-automatics. For over-and-under shotguns, the serial number is typically found beneath the top-lever, while for semi-automatics, it’s located on the receiver. Knowing the age of your shotgun can be useful for insurance purposes, determining the value of the gun, and can also provide interesting historical information.

Search for your Browning or Miroku shotgun

To find the age of your Browning or Miroku shotgun, simply enter the guns year code – two letters forming part of the serial number. This is often found under the top-lever.

Browning & Miroku date codes

Our date lookup tool uses the following table. You can use it to date your shotgun by looking up the value of both letters in your gun's serial number. For example, NR would be 97.


6 Replies to “Browning & Miroku Age Lookup”

  1. I’m looking for information on my 20 GA BC Miroku OU with matching serial # M360960. I’ve read about date identifying letter codes but my shotgun has no such letters

  2. I have a Browning GP Sporter 12-gauge O/U shot gun serial number T 57298ZY, I know the year of manufacture is 2012, could you tell me where it was made please.

  3. My Citori serial number does not match the format you show. It is 09672N57.
    I’m guessing they used the previous format for a while, where the last 2 positions defined the year.
    I found:
    but they never defined 57 which I presume = 1975

  4. The serial number on my 12 gage Miroku shotgun is 542197. I bought it in the 1960s. Anything you can tell me about it?

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